Pirate Themed Bullet Journal Spreads

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Having some inspiration for your bullet journal spreads is a great way to keep them fun and exciting. I love to think up new themes to explore and different ways to work on my creativity. For the month of March I did pirate themed bullet journal spreads. Take a look for some neat ideas!

Bullet journal themes are great ways the generate ideas for your spreads and layouts. Here is some pirate inspiration to get you thinking!

I knew that March was going to be a busy month. With the kids out of school for a week and a ton of birthdays littered through the month, there was going to be be travel and a lot to keep track of.

March is also a busy time for annual occurrences.

Things like getting taxes in order, renewing my car plates, starting the spring clean. You know… all the fun stuff.

I also had some personal goals and tasks that were going to be coming into play this month as well. This meant I needed to have time to book my family trip for the fall, start passport paperwork etc.

All in all busy.

Since I knew it was going to be a busy month I made the decision to keep the drawing to a minimum. Instead, I found pictures that fit my theme and tone. I then printed them all off at the end of February. You can find many of the pictures on my Pinterest Inspiration Board.

Since I had a stock of pictures and my handy washi tape, all I needed to do weekly was pick a few cut outs, tape them down and draw out my daily boxes. So quick and easy.

Honestly, using print outs has got to be one of the best ways to decorate your bullet journal when you’re feeling rushed, un-artistic or just a little lazy. No shame.


Bullet journal Monthly set up.

My March calendar and habit tracker are pretty run of the mill as far as I’m concerned. I have my mini traditional calendar as well as my ryder style calendar listing out my important dates.

The big difference between this month and basically all my others over the past year is that I completely fell off the wagon when it came to actually filling out my habit tracker.

I’m very good at having my habit track as a part of my evening routine but this month, for whatever reason it kept getting pushed off.

From March break onwards I had a hard time filling it out. I resolve to do better in April.

Gratitude and Chores

Bullet Journal chores tracker and gratitude log.

My tracker failure didn’t stop on the last page though.

My chores tracker suffered as well. After I was away I didn’t get back on the horse to start filling it out and then with visitors staying with me at the end of the month it continued to fall by the way side.

If you’re on my mailing list you’ll know that I had a bit of a family emergency at the end of March. That might account for dropping the ball with my trackers but it was a time that using my gratitude log would have made an impact.

Gratitude trackers are great for mental health and making sure you start each day in a thankful and open mindset. I wished I had spent that 30 seconds a day writing in something this month. But all I can do now if make sure that I’m on it next month.

Planning Sheets

Bullet Journal planning spreads.

Can I just say it again?

I love the Old English font I used on this page. It would have been awesome to use it in my weeklies as well but it was time consuming and expedience was the name of the game this month.

I managed to get most of my to do’s checked here but I still had ideas that I should have fleshed out a bit more in order to really have a solid plan to follow.

If I had done that I think I would have been a touch more productive this month.

Creating my Fitness Tracker

Bullet journal fitness tracker.

This month I did decide to try and hold myself accountable to some of my health goals via a new tracker. You can read all about what those goals are and how I put together my tracker in this post.

The tracker was working like I wanted it to but, again, the last 2 weeks of the month suffered in terms of being filled out.

Luckily, I track most of my food in an app on my phone so I do have some data I can write in. There will still be days missing but it’s better than this.

I’ve added filling out my food app as a habit in my habit tracker so hopefully this double dose of accountability will make sure it happens.

The good news is that I’ve been feeling really positive about learning to understand which foods make me tired or bloated or energetic this month, despite the tracker failure. I’ve also been starting to enjoy my work outs again.

That means that this tracker is a winner so far.


Bullet journal weekly spread. Pirate themed.

Opening my weeklies is a partial week that has a space for upcoming priorities. In the extra space is a collage of pirate printouts. I chose the same blue washi tape that I’ve used in a few other themes like my Geometric animals back in December.

Adds a bit of a water vibe don’t you think?.

Bullet journal weekly spread. Pirate themed.

I really liked this weekly spread.

I liked drawing in the roses and the contrast of them with the skull. Very romantic. I wanted the theme to be a bit gritty but in the way that still begs you to be a part of it.

Bullet journal weekly spread. Pirate themed.

I really liked adding a bit of flair by accenting all the black and white pictures with my fineliners and metallic gel pens. The red on this female pirate’s dress and the blue of the water under the ship are such examples.

I didn’t do many quotes this month but a Pirates of the Caribbean reference was a must.

Bullet journal weekly spread. Pirate themed.

Through the spreads you’ll see that I stuck with a few common elements to give consistency through the month. These were skulls, roses, ships, anchors and mermaids.

I did a whole month of mermaid spreads last year. So if you want to take a look at some more definitely check this out!

Bullet journal weekly spread. Pirate themed.

This last spread has darker pictures but that made the metallic stand out, especially on the anchor at the top f the page.

Thoughts on the Month

This month was a winner in terms of how my decorative elements turned out. I love the pictures and detailing them myself. It was fun to try something new and be a little “edgier”.

Moving into April I made some changes to my set up based on how my trackers went this month. You can see that Plan with Me here.

I think it’s imperative that you consistently review your set up, weeklies and any other elements in your journal to make sure that they are serving you. If they aren’t fulfilling their purpose trying something new out.

Your bullet journal is meant to grow and change with you.

Even if a spread has worked wonders in the past sometimes making small changes will renew your interest in the spread. This can encourage you to stay on top of the collection.

What did you think of the theme?

Would you consider using print outs as decoration in your journal?

Bullet journal themes are great ways the generate ideas for your spreads and layouts. Here is some pirate inspiration to get you thinking!

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