The Easy Way to Get Spring Cleaning Done

Spring Cleaning. That thing we look forward to but simultaneously dread through the winter months.

When March or April finally arrive, birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the snow is melting. You’re starting to feel like you actually want to get outside and restock your depleted store of vitamin D. It’s lovely.

Then you also realize that it’s time to tackle all those chores that you told yourself you’d get to when it got warmer again outside. So let’s get down to business and tackle it the easy way.

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Prioritize with Ease Using the Covey Time Matrix

A major key to successful planning is learning how to prioritize. There is so much stuff that bombards us on a daily basis that it can be hard to sort through it all and make sure we get the important stuff done. Or even tell what the important stuff is for that matter. This problem gets even bigger when we have urgent things popping up all the time. Urgent is often mistaken for important. 

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The 30-60-90 Plan: The action plan version of goals

It’s getting close to the end of the year. Isn’t that crazy to say? And with the end of the year usually comes this impulsive desire to make next year better. The best way that I’ve found to do this is to create a solid 30-60-90 plan, an action plan for hitting goals 💪.

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Evening Routine

A lot of people talk about morning routines, or the lack there of. And there’s good reason to. Having a simple, structured routine makes life a heck of a lot easier. But those benefits don’t have to just be in the morning. Having a great evening routine can be even better for your success, in and out of the home.

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Developing a Morning Routine

Your alarm is going off again. You’re trying to find your clothes, you’re trying to grab breakfast, someone is always asking for something… Does this sound like your morning routine?

Many people struggle in the morning, especially if it’s Monday. Don’t worry you are definitely not alone!

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