Monthly Chores Spread

Chores Spread

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If you’re anything like me, you hate chores and housework.

Some people get satisfaction when they look at the house they just spent the day cleaning and feel great. I’ve also met people who go into what I deem “Whirlwind” mode where they go into an intense, though short-lived, cleaning frenzy.

Want to establish a cleaning schedule with your bullet journal? this layout will give you a tracker to follow to make sure your house stays spic and span!

 I wish I was like either of these cleaners. Typically, I clean because it has to be done and if I don’t do it no one else will. I will say this though, my girls are wonderful. They will help with chores and cleaning when asked and even sometimes of their own accord so I am lucky that I have a couple of little helpers on occasion.  

Cleaning Time!
My darlings helping me out by cleaning the shower *insert heart eyes emoji here*

One of the biggest things that frustrated me about chores was that I didn’t have a routine for it. I pretty much had it so that I spent my whole Saturday cleaning. This made me irritable since I wanted to spend time with my family and have some fun but by the time it was all done I was tired and upset that the whole day was gone.

I finally decided to combat this weekend hijacking epidemic at my house and turned to my bullet journal.

I saw some chores added to habit trackers or a collection with monthly and bi-annual chores. But I needed something a little bit more frequent and with higher accountability than the collection but I didn’t want to have a huge habit tracker so I melded some ideas together to create a monthly chore calendar of sorts.

The Method

Make a list

The first thing to do is write out the chores what I need to get done and how often I really need to do it.

Group the tasks

 Then group the tasks into days so that there are 3-4 cleaning activities a day that you could do in 20 minutes or less. Put bigger jobs, like a full kitchen clean, on days where you usually have more time. This also allowed you to minimize chores on the weekend. Hallelujah! Getting things done in short bursts through the week!

Chores list

My quality of living has also gone up since the house is not totally clean (like ever, thanks kids xo) but is pretty clean all the time. My kids are also way more likely to help out during these short intervals, there isn’t time to get bored.

Make a grid

After you have the chores grouped by day write out how many Mondays, Tuesdays, etc there was during the current month and made grids with the chores listed down the side and the number of each Monday (as an example) across the top.

My weekly chores

Check it off

All there is left to do is check off the chores when they get completed. Added bonus: you know which job needs to get done on what day. Allowing you to know when you’re done. You also don’t feel you’re not sure where to start. You can also block off the time to do everything all at once. Water the plants in the morning, tidy the living room after lunch then do the dishes after dinner. Oh the freedom and good vibes.

Chores Spread
My first chores spread in June, I added a motivational cleaning quote!
Gratitude and Chores Layout
My chores layout in July
Chores Spread
Still pairing my chores with my gratitude page this month in August

This simple addition to my monthly layout has been awesome. I like it so much might adopt it into a workout schedule or blogging checklist as well. Organization, here we come!

Check out some of my other time management ideas here


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