Best Bullet Journal Tips

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When you’re starting a bullet journal there seems to be a million and one things to do but never fear, I’ve compiled a list of the best bullet journal tips to help you through it!

If you're looking for bullet journal ideas and tips that will help you as a beginner, look no further! 
Here are 11 tips that will start you off on the right foot. 
#bulletjournaltips #startabulletjournal

Let’s jump right in!

Make it fun

Add your own personality to your bullet journal.

In order for me to get consistent with anything I need to make sure that I know 2 things:

  • It’s going to help me and I’ll feel good about it
  • I can make it fun

When it comes to bullet journaling the benefits were obvious. I know I’ll be more productive, save time by having a designated place for everything important and I’ll forget less.

The basic method is very simple, aka not necessarily “fun”.

What IS fun is the amount of customization that can be done. You can bullet journal in a plethora of ways so there is bound to be a way that’s fun for you.

Whether that’s getting some fun stickers, having doodle areas or using it as a way to get some you time. Find a way to enjoy the process so that you look forward to keeping up with it.

Pick the right journal

Pick the right bullet journal for you. #bulletjournalsupplies

Honestly, any notebook will do when it comes to bullet journaling BUT just like I said above, if you like your tools you’re going to like the process better.

When you’re picking a journal pick one that you’re going to like. You can check out my post about picking a planner here.

To summarize:

Blank journals are great for the super creative that want a lot of freedom to design their spreads or add it multimedia elements like pictures or paint.

Grid journals are good to give a lot of structure when starting.

Dotted journals are the best of both worlds. The dots aren’t distracting but do give you a way to space things easily.

You can also use a lined notebook which is great for keeping to the minimalist method or if you’re a true journaler or like to make lists.

Whatever you choose for the inside make sure that the outside is something that you want to look at consistently. Feel free to add stickers, washi tape or anything else to your cover to customize it and make it feel like you.

Don’t over load on “Inspiration”

Don't overload on inspiration, just start!

I know.

This part is hard. And if you found this post, you’re probably doing this right now. Oh well lol.

There is such a thing as paralysis by analysis.

What that means is that you do so much “research” and idea hunting that you start to doubt yourself and become less and less likely to actually start.

Don’t get me wrong, starting a journal is super intimating since there is so much flexibility that it can be hard to know where to begin. In this way checking out other people’s ideas is super helpful.

BUT make sure that you keep what you want in mind and don’t get caught in the endless blackhole that is a Pinterest or Google search.

And always remember that learning to bullet journal is a process so don’t worry if it’s not perfect. It won’t be, and that’s just fine.

Don’t over complicate it/ Keep it simple

Minimalist bullet journal monthly spread.

Going hand in hand with the last tip, keep things simple. Especially when you’re starting.

The more you try to include the harder it is to keep up with everything.

Likewise, making crazy elaborate spreads can look amazing on Instagram but if you have to spend so much time drawing that you don’t actually get to use the spread then, in my opinion, that doesn’t make sense.

The bullet journal is a productivity tool. Make sure you can use it to be productive.

Check out this minimalist set up

Customize your key

Creating a custom key is a great way to make sure that your bullet journal keeps you organized. Have a ton of meetings? Make a symbol for it. Got some project tasks to keep track of? Have a symbol with a number that corresponds with that project.

Customize a bullet journal key to get the most out of your rapid logging!

There are tons of ways to make a key that works for you. And it’s one of the easiest ways to make sure you can tell an appointment from an event or anything else that will pop up on your dailies.

Keep track of the important, not everything

Track the important things that matter, not just what everyone else does.

When I started my first bullet journal I wanted to have trackers and collections for all kinds of things.

I made a bunch of them too, but did I use the majority of them? No.

I guest posted on Life is Messy but Brilliant about this very topic! So you can check out the whole post on Tracking the Important in your Bullet Journal there.

But what it comes down to is that you should pick the most important things to track first and start simple. Build from there or swap things out after you establish habits.

It’s easy to make a ton of trackers or collections since they look great when other people do them, but if it’s not actually helpful or is more stressful to keep up with, don’t feel bad about ditching some.

Better to have space for future spreads than to waste pages on trackers you never needed.

Use your bujo as a catch all

Use your bujo right.

This might sound like a contradiction to the last of bullet journal tips I just shared but bear with me.

There is no right or wrong way to use your bullet journal so don’t feel like you have to “keep inside the lines”.

If you need somewhere to write a grocery list, add it in.

You have a project you’re working on? Plan it out in your journal.

Have pictures from a vacation you just got back from? make a collage!

Anything and everything can go in your bullet journal.

Start with a printable journal

Making your own bullet journal can seem like a lot of work. So I have a few resources for you.

As far as bullet journal tips go, this printable journal won’t do you worng.

The Wundertastsch journal Sandra made includes cover pages, tracker templates, calendars, weekly and monthly planning sheets. Everything that you need already created so all you need to do is print and write in whatever you want.

An awesome way to bullet journal without all the creation time.

Be ok with making mistakes

We all make them.

Everyone makes mistakes.
The white out hear makes it so hard to colour match… oh well

You will too.

But that just makes your journal more unique. There are loads of mistakes that you can and probably will make so instead of letting that get in your way, embrace it and just do your best.

There are tons of spreads that I screwed up royally. So I learned a few things about how to fix them and I also learned to live with things not turning out as planned.

How to Fix Mistakes in your Bullet Journal

Those mistakes will be great reference points when you look back and realize how much better you got.

Mistakes are also awesome at telling you what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s all just part of the process.

Have it in your schedule

Get a routine!

When you’re just starting a bullet journal make sure to build it into an established routine.

By doing this it’ll be easier to remember to give your journal some love.

I like to look over my day and fill out trackers during my evening routine. I can also move things if needed or jot down any notes about the day or reminders for the next.

Often, I go over my journal again during my morning routine while I’m having breakfast so that I can write down priorities for the day and get in the right mindset to take care of my to-dos for the day.

Don’t Compare

This might be last, but it might be most important of the bullet journal tips.

Don’t compare your journal with anyone else’s.

Bullet journals are supposed to be different for everyone so never be disappointed that you’re doesn’t look like another.

Not everyone is an amazing artist, a washi tape wizard or minimalist master. See what I did there? 😛

So be free to experiment and find your style. The more custom your bullet journal the more you’ll get out of it and love it in the future.

Comparisons never make you feel good.
They never turn out quite right

And there you have it

11 tips to help you create an awesome bullet journal you’ll use, enjoy and treasure.

Is there anything I missed?

What’s your favourite bullet journal tip? Share it in the comments!

If you're looking for bullet journal ideas and tips that will help you as a beginner, look no further! 
Here are 11 tips that will start you off on the right foot. 
#bulletjournaltips #startabulletjournal

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