Candyland Flip Through

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Back in May, I asked my subscribers for ideas I could use as themes in my bullet journal and I got some pretty fun ones. Then we voted on the theme I was going to use for the month of June, check it out here. It was lovely. But there was a theme that stuck in my head that I really wanted to give a shot. And this is where my Candyland flip through comes in.

This fun bullet journal theme is Candyland. Ideas for monthly spreads and weekly layouts are all included. 
#bulletjournal #candyland #funtheme

I had been wanting to try my hand at creating my own version of characters since I’ve been starting to get more confident in my drawing ability. Then my wonderful subscriber, Nichole, suggested Candyland since she had just decorated her new baby’s room in that theme.

I thought that Candyland would be the perfect theme to use for experimenting.

There are such beloved and iconic characters in Candyland but there is also a huge amount of reimagining that the game has gone through over the years. Since there was so much potential for creativity within the confines of the characters, I took a whirl at tweaking them and making them my own.

So here is my finished Candyland flip through.

Recognizable characters with a bit of a spin. Let me know what you think!


If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I typically don’t do a calendar page.

I don’t find them that helpful and I barely ever actually fill them out. Check out the only other 2 times I attempted traditional calendar spreads here in April 2018 for my fox theme and in May 2018 for my watercolour ballet.

The themes worked out beautifully but the calendars were…..empty.

I’ve since adopted and loved sticking to Ryder calendars. Let me know if you’d like a post dedicated to them in the comments!

But for this Candyland flip through I couldn’t miss the chance to make a calendar game board. It was just too fitting.

I knew that I might have a bit of trouble using it but it had been a long time since I tried. So I gave it a go.

This Candyland flip through starts with a gameboard calendar spread.

I used it a little bit more but did come across a few issues… the biggest being that it was that the days went from right to left and left to right so it was definitely NOT made for any at a glance planning.

It did turn out cute and colourful though.

I love the gumdrops in the top right and the July at the top and August at the bottom.

Trackers and Goals

This month was dominated by me moving.

My move was scheduled for smack dab in the middle of the month on the 14th. The first 2 weeks were all about packing and buying things we’d need and selling things that we didn’t.

Side note: Taking a little bit of time to plan where your things are going to go in a new place will make it so much easier once you get there. You can sell things you know won’t have a place and put that towards things that you might need or want to upgrade.

As an example, we sold out entranceway storage bench and used the money for a new desk for the girls’ room.

After all the buying and selling I did over about 3 weeks we had changed the vibe of our house completely while only paying about $30 out of pocket. If you want to know more about this let me know below!

Chores and tasks trackers from my bullet journal monthly set up.

But since moving and all this “trading” was a huge focus for me, I kept my trackers simple like I have the past few months and added a whole section to my planning page just for moving tasks.

I kept my regular tasks bare, only reminding myself to apply for the kids’ passports since we’re going to Disney World in the fall.

My weeklies

All my weeklies share a similar layout except the first.

My first spread was my most tentative. I wanted to ease into this whole character creation.

Week 1

Lolly was the first character I drew and I kept her fairly straightforward. Her colour scheme and dress were very much like the Lolly you might be familiar with.

Lolly from Candyland weekly spread in my bullet journal.

The only real difference here is that I used a totally different style of drawing than that of the original drawing.

I also added lollypops and wrote the dates in silver gel pen.

Week 2

I was still a little hesitant in branching out of my comfort zone this week so I stuck with another female character from Candyland, Queen Frostine.

Candyland flip thorugh with Queen Frostine on this weekly spread.

I drew her in with some cupcakes of all sorts of colours and outlined each of the days in a different colour as well.

Of course, I always jump at the chance to use my silver gel pen so I did again for our regent’s crown and sceptre.

Week 3

As this Candyland flip through comes to a close, I knew I had to give a male character a go.

I was a little worried since my Tuxedo Mask didn’t turn out super awesome when I drew him back in March. But it was time… the only other female character I could think of in Candyland was Grandma Nut and I didn’t have a lot of faith in doing her justice either.

The lucky character that got my attention this week was Mr. Mint. A classic helpful character from the Peppermint Forest. And lo and behold, I was so happy with the way he turned out! He might be my favourite of the bunch.

Mr. Mint bullet journal weekly spread.

I switched him up a bit from the typical Mr. Mint clownish-ness but kept the hat and colour scheme. I kept this week a little more monochromatic, only using the pinks and black. But I really liked the stripes on the day bars.

This week’s moving box also turned into a “Making Home” box where I could put what I wanted to do while unpacking and decorating.

Week 4

Since I was so happy with Mr. Mint I decided to give another male character a go. This time Lord Licorice.

I didn’t really make him look villainous but he still turned out rather dashing in my opinion.

Candyland weekly spread with Lord Licorice.

I was reading “The Wiseman’s Fear” this month so I think he was slightly influenced by my mental image of Kvothe but that’s ok. If you haven’t read the King Killer Chronicles, they are amazing. The only deterrent is that it’s unfinished and the author isn’t in a hurry at all…but if you like fantasy, I encourage you to give it a go.

Future theme idea??? hmmm…

Moving into August

My Candyland flip through did a lot for my confidence in character creation. Although I’m certainly not an excellent drawer or immensely creative, I was happy with my boldness in taking on the challenge.

I think bullet journaling has been an amazing aid in helping me grow and letting me explore my creativity. I had grown up thinking that I was never going to be able to draw at all but over the past few years with my bujo I’ve been able to create some pictures I’m truly proud of.

If you’ve struggled with self-doubt, you are not alone. Just keep going. Challenge yourself and get better with time. Patience is key and the pay off is worth it!

This fun bullet journal theme is Candyland. Ideas for monthly spreads and weekly layouts are all included. 
#bulletjournal #candyland #funtheme

6 thoughts on “Candyland Flip Through”

  1. Another amazing set up! Thank you for sharing!
    I’m going to copy your tasks tracker. I’ve been looking for a way to track things. What you have is perfect
    Have a wonderful day

    1. Thank you Marika, it’s always nice to hear from you. Super excited that you want to try out the trackers, let me know how it goes for you. I love seeing your recreations and art. Talk soon!

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