Sailor Moon Theme: May Flip Through

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My theme in May was one of the ones that I’ve had the most fun with out of any spreads that I’ve ever done. And that’s saying something. Every week I was super excited about drawing my next layout, I just couldn’t wait. My Sailor Moon theme was a perfect match for my drawing abilities and my mind set.

Sailor Moon can bring the perfect dose of girl power to your bullet journal! This theme idea for spreads and layouts is sure to get your inspired. 

So let’s take you on a tour of my spreads for May 2019!

Sailor Moon Theme Monthly Set Up

Cover Page

I don’t usually make cover pages but they’re starting to grow on me.

I started the month with this cute picture of Serena and a nice little quote from Amy.

May bullet journal cover page for Sailor Moon theme.


Since my cover page started with Serena I needed to make the next spread a transformation drawing.

In the cartoon, the transformation from the schoolgirl to the sailor scout was one of the best sequences and it was a big part of every episode.

Sailor Moon theme calendar for my monthly bullet journal set up.

I have the mini calendar on the top of the right page with goals and tasks.

On the left page I have my ryder calendar with my habit tracker. Still trying to get back on track for filling out my tracker consistently.


In addition to my habit tracker, this month I have 3 more specific trackers.

I decided to combine my chores tracker and gratitude log on the same page since I’ve been having some difficulties staying on top of my trackers.

Condensing them has maximized the space I have and helped me fill out both at the same time.

Monthly trackers. Chores tracker, gratitude log and work out calendar.

I also tried a different spin on my health tracker by creating a workout calendar.

I was able to stay on top of my food tracking pretty well over the previous 2 months but I was having some trouble with my exercise schedule.

I’m the type of person that just wants to do it all when I’m at the gym. So I thought it would be better if I set it up so I knew what I wanted to do on which day. This way I wouldn’t feel I needed to do upper body and legs on the same day since I would know that I’m doing upper body the next day.

For full disclosure I did still have some trouble with this but habits take some time to form.

Planning Pages

I need to have planning pages in my monthly set up.

Having a game plan that I can hold myself to for the month is essential in moving me forward.

May bullet journal planning pages with Tuxedo Mask.

I have a page specifically for my blog and then I have a priorities page that’s all encompassing.

If you haven’t started putting planning pages in your bullet journal monthly set up, I highly recommend you start. In order to help with learning to plan, sign up for this free email course.

Sailor Moon Theme Weekly Spreads

All of my weekly spreads this month had the same basic layout.

I split one page into 4 daily rectangles and put 2 more on the other page along with my Scout and a task box.

Another thing I find super helpful is having task boxes.

I put things that need to get done at some point during the week in there and assign it to a day during my morning planning sessions.

See my morning routine post/video for more on that.

It’s so helpful to use this task box as a bit of a brain dump. That way things don’t get forgotten and I can go through it at the end of the week. When I go through it I can transfer things if I didn’t get to them and they’re still important.

Week 1

In the cartoon Sailor Moon, Serena meets Sailor Mercury first so she’s the first weekly spread.

Sailor Mercury weekly spread.

Not bad for a first try in this style.

Week 2

Sailor Mars is the next Scout to be discovered and I found this super cheeky picture of her that I just had to try and recreate.

Sailor Mars bullet journal weekly spread inspiration.

I used a purple metallic crayola marker on the right side of all my boxes and wrote in the dates with a white gel pen. That turned out beautifully! This might be my favourite spread.

Mars was always my favourite character though so I might be a bit biased.

Week 3

The white pen on metallic marker worked out so well the week prior that I gave it another go on Sailor Jupiter’s spread.

Sailor Jupiter weekly spread.

I used a pencil crayon and a fine liner for her hair and think that gave it some good dimension.

Week 4

Sailor Venus is the last of the Scouts to join the group, in the earlier seasons anyway. So here she finally is! Since there are so many colours in her costume I had fun creating this bright layout for the week.

Sailor Venus bullet journal weekly spread idea.

The orange writing really brought it together in my opinion.

Week 5

May was that month that just worked perfectly with this theme!

Sailor Moon weekly spread.

There was one week left so I got to draw Sailor Moon in full gear here too.

So much fun.

A word on Themes

I love to pick themes that mean something to me. I want them to be things that I care about or can have fun with. That’s why I tend to do theme’s not have characters in them.

There are so many beautiful themes out there that are plants or flowers or shapes but I like characters. Whether they’re animals, magical or human.

Sailor Moon was a show that I watched religiously as a kid. And my sister, our friends and I would pretend to be the Scouts often. It was great to have a semi relatable group of girls to watch.

Now Sailor Moon is far from perfect but the moral of the story is so good and that’s why I love it.

It’s about being there for your friends and helping them whenever you can, no matter what. It’s about not always having to get along but being there when it matters. It’s about boys and eating junk food and fighting evil. It’s what every little girl wants her life to be like.

And that’s why I wanted it to be my theme.

And probably why I enjoyed it so much.

So when you’re picking a theme, choose something that makes you smile and that you’ll be excited to take on week after week. It’s a great strategy to keep up with your journal.

Sailor Moon can bring the perfect dose of girl power to your bullet journal! This theme idea for spreads and layouts is sure to get your inspired. 

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