Focus on your Goals and Plan Your Week

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Weekly planning in your bullet journal is, in my opinion, the most fun part. It’s where you can take a ton of creative liberties, test out new layouts and spread ideas, or you can keep it as simple as possible if you’re in a hurry.

The thing about your weekly planning is that you do it every week. That means that you’ll have way more chances to perfect this type of spread than you will any other.

In this post, I’ll be taking you through my weekly planning process as I do it myself. So get ready to follow along and make your plan with me!

Learn to make a simple layout for your weekly bullet journal spread with this fail proof method. Keep it minimalist or add some new ideas to make sure it works for you. #bulletjournal #weeklyspread

Flying by the seat of your pants

I wanted to note before I got too carried away that it’s ok NOT to do a weekly spread. If you’d prefer, you can keep your week open to exclusively rapid log.

That means all you do is write “Monday” then transfer over anything from your monthly task list/events section that are happening. And that’s it. Then on Monday add anything else that you need to do or things as they come up.

At the end of the day check off things that you did then write “Tuesday” whenever on the page you are. Move things that you didn’t get done on Monday to Tuesday and repeat.

This is the simplest form of bullet journaling and if that’s your style you’re all set to go.

If you want to have a bit of a bigger picture by planning out your whole week in advance, as I usually do, keep reading.

Choosing a layout for weekly planning

Choosing a layout is arguably the hardest part of your weekly planning.

When you’re doing this, I recommend taking 2 things into consideration,

  1. How busy is your week?

This will let you know how much space you need for writing things in

2. How much decoration do you want?

Knowing this will allow you to block off space for pictures/ quotes you want to include.

Layouts I fancy

Horizontal dividers

Horizonal harry potter weekly bullet journal spread.

With horizontal spreads, you divide each page into 3 sections, one for each day of the week and one for the weekend.

These are good if you like to write in notes or have a lot of detail in your tasks since you have a lot of space to write it all out. It also makes it easier to “nest” since you can indent tasks that need to be done to accomplish something larger.

Vertical Layouts

Weekly bullet journal spread using vertical columns.

Giving yourself columns gives you tons of room for weeks that you have a lot of little tasks or if you’re a list writer.


I’ve been a fan of boxes for a great while. They look so clean, are so easy to do. I find you can make up to 8 boxes comfortably.

This also gives you lots of room to add in decoration or boxes for other things like to-dos, shopping lists, meal plan, doodles etc.

Weekly bullet journal spread with a minimalist feel that keeps it super simple.
The Nightmare before Christmas weekly bullet journal spread that's minimalist, simple and has a little Disney magic.

Creative Layouts

Your spreads don’t necessarily need to follow any pattern though. Take a look at the one below. It’s still tidy but the boxes are different shapes and i different places and even different sizes.

Creative weekly layouts are so much fun to have in your bullet journal.

Your spreads can be any variety of things so don’t *box* yourself in. Pun totally intended.

My weekly planning: Real Time

So last week I did a horizontal spread with small daily sections and a larger box for my tasks and goals. I had a big area to add in my drawing of the week with a quote as well.

I’ve really liked the spread. It’s had lots of room for my daily tasks and the bigger box has been a great catch-all or brain dump.

Weekly bullet journal spreads that are simple but include some Disney are always great layout ideas.

I think I’m going to do something similar to it again this week.

Pencil it out first

I am not an art expert.

It takes me some effort to draw up my spreads and I often make mistakes. Check out my post on fixing bujo mistakes if you’d like to learn from my experience and protect yourself.

Always pencil out your bullet journal weekly spread to avoid mistakes!

But due to my many, many mistakes, I use a pencil to draw everything out first. Better to be proactive right?

After I draw it all out and am happy with it, I colour everything in and then outline and draw in details with a black pen.

A simple bullet journal weekly spread is often exactly what you need.

The real weekly planning

Once I have my layout all done it’s time to actually start planning my week.

The first thing to do is refer to your monthly spread and future log to see if there are any events, tasks, goals, reminders that need to be added to the week so that they’re in the forefront.

Remember to check your monthly set up to make sure you're on top of things on a weekly basis.

Once I’ve filled in these things I think about any major tasks that I want to accomplish through the week.

My major focus for the week is the trip we’re going on starting Thursday. Since I’ll be leaving mid-week there are a few things I need to get done before then.

  • Get my blogging done and scheduled by Wednesday including Friday’s post, planning emails, and Pinterest pinning.
  • I need to meal prep food that we’re taking with us.
  • Clean up the house and make sure everyone is packed.

Each of these things will break down into a few smaller tasks so I wrote the category in my task box and with the smaller tasks then assigned the smaller tasks to a specific day during the week so that I feel confident that I’ll be able to get it all done.

Filling out your weekly planning in your bullet journal spread is the most important part!

Quick note: since we were going away I changed this spread a bit to include a space for me to write down favourite parts or memories. I made my Friday-Sunday boxes smaller as well since I won’t be using my journal as much while away. Always customize your spreads to your needs for the week!

The hard part

What I always found the hardest in my planning is NOT filling up all the space and time that I have.

A weekly plan is a bit like a bag. If you have a big bag you carry around more stuff, even if you don’t need it. An empty page just beckons me to fill it with stuff.


Having blank space in your spread and calendar is a good thing.

Stuff comes up and sometimes we forget things and need to add them in. Sometimes things take longer than we’re expecting.

Having this extra time and space in our spreads gives us some breathing room for just that.


These are some things that I don’t always have in my spreads but are nice to have and that I do include from time to time. Use as needed.

Meal Plans

Meal planning in a bullet journal.

Having a meal plan in your bullet journal is awesome. It keeps everything together and gives you peace of mind.

Goals pages:

Goals in your bullet journal is a great spread simple to include.

In my bullet journal last year I always had a bi-weekly goals page that I added to my weekly spread. This gave me a ton of space to put in larger tasks, track my recruiting goals, meal plan, make lists. Pretty much everything I would need.

Business to-dos

Bullet journal for work

If you have a side hustle or if you’re a super dedicated employee then maybe adding in a work plan for yourself would be helpful. In this spread I have boxes for meals, groceries, notes and a running blog task list.

As always,

The bullet journal is super flexible and meant to be customized. Before you start your weekly planning think about what your week really looks like and organize yourself according to that.

Sometimes you’ll have time for a big elaborate themed spread and sometimes you might not. As long as you do some planning, you’ll always come out ahead.

So even if you feel like you have no time, take a look over the fly by the seat of your pants section and you’ll see that anyone, with any amount of time, can do this!

Learn to make a simple layout for your weekly bullet journal spread with this fail proof method. Keep it minimalist or add some new ideas to make sure it works for you. #bulletjournal #weeklyspread

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