The PROM Planning Method

It’s no secret, having an effective method of planning makes everything easier. I recently listened to a podcast and came across this method and it’s awesome. So, of course, I wanted to share it with you. The PROM planning method is an easy way to increase your productivity dramatically.

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Evening Routine

A lot of people talk about morning routines, or the lack there of. And there’s good reason to. Having a simple, structured routine makes life a heck of a lot easier. But those benefits don’t have to just be in the morning. Having a great evening routine can be even better for your success, in and out of the home.

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Developing a Morning Routine

Your alarm is going off again. You’re trying to find your clothes, you’re trying to grab breakfast, someone is always asking for something… Does this sound like your morning routine?

Many people struggle in the morning, especially if it’s Monday. Don’t worry you are definitely not alone!

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Developing a Routine to Increase Confidence and Work Ethic in Your Kids

Today’s parenting is complicated. Everyone has a way to do everything and there are always crazy expectations about what good parenting looks like (comment if you thought “Bad Moms” was as hilarious as I did).

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Hair Routine Spread

So I have naturally curly hair. In the last few months, my hair has lost a bit of its vivaciousness. When this started to happen I decided to update my hair routine. I had been reading about the “curly girl method” for a while and wanted to get away from traditional shampooing and decided to take the plunge. In order to help keep all my information in one place, I made this spread. I thought I’d share it with you so if you have a specific hair routine or want to try something out you can adapt it to you!

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