Developing a Routine to Increase Confidence and Work Ethic in Your Kids

Today’s parenting is complicated. Everyone has a way to do everything and there are always crazy expectations about what good parenting looks like (comment if you thought “Bad Moms” was as hilarious as I did).

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Is Bullet Journaling Worth it?

If you’ve been thinking of trying out bullet journaling, you’ve probably searched it online and seen TONS of pictures and articles. Much of it includes intricate drawings, lots of washi tape, stickers, stamps, and an entire case of specialized pens and markers.

After looking through all of this you’re probably thinking this is going to be a) expensive b) time consuming c) hard d) not worth it.

Friends, I’m here to say you’d be sorely mistaken! Bullet Journaling is 100% worth it and you don’t actually have to buy or draw anything (if you don’t want to) and the kicker: it’s not that hard!

Continue reading “Is Bullet Journaling Worth it?”