Hair Routine Spread

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So I have naturally curly hair. In the last few months, my hair has lost a bit of its vivaciousness. When this started to happen I decided to update my hair routine. I had been reading about the “curly girl method” for a while and wanted to get away from traditional shampooing and decided to take the plunge. In order to help keep all my information in one place, I made this spread. I thought I’d share it with you so if you have a specific hair routine or want to try something out you can adapt it to you!

There are always new ideas for bullet journal spreads and trackers. Here is an unconventional one that is built to help manage a healthy hair routine, #planningwithmaggierae #bulletjournalideas #bulletjournaltracker #bulletjournaling


Make a spread where I can write down a summary of all my hair routine research. There needs to be places for products to try and if I liked them as well as what I need to do and when I need to do it. Organize yourself girl!

Planning it out

The first thing I did was figure out my hair type. Then I did some research as to what I need to do based on that. As someone with type 3a curls that are low porosity, there are 7 steps to my hair routine. I added in boxes for each step, what my hair type actually means, youtubers that talk about curly hair and ingredients to avoid. I, of course, drew out all my boxes in pencil so I could fit it all in.

Next up, I started to colour and fill in my boxes. This spread is at the end of my mermaid theme which is fitting. I went for a rainbow vibe to keep it fun and playful, like curls are 🙂

I wanted to add personality so beside each step I drew a little cloud with a quip about the step. Example: Cleanse: eliminate product build up, Style: You’re like really Pretty (Mean Girls reference anyone?).

My intention is that in each step box I’ll write in the product I’m trying (or want to try) and put a happy/frown face depending on whether or not I like it. In the boxes, I also wrote down how often each step is supposed to happen.

There was a “Schedule” box as well but I haven’t fully settled on my routine so it’ll be blank for now.

There is so much information out there about how to take care of your hair, what’s good and bad and there are SO MANY products! I really wanted to do something like this so that I could track what I liked and what I didn’t and I wouldn’t forget it all in the process.

I can also see more clearly what my hair reacts to when I know what’s happening. Oh, bullet journal, you make it so easy to track absolutely everything. Thank you.


I like how this hair routine spread turned out. It’s simple, organized and easy to use through my curl journey. This way I won’t have to try and remember that much because, really, don’t we all have enough on our minds?


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