Prioritize with Ease Using the Covey Time Matrix

A major key to successful planning is learning how to prioritize. There is so much stuff that bombards us on a daily basis that it can be hard to sort through it all and make sure we get the important stuff done. Or even tell what the important stuff is for that matter. This problem gets even bigger when we have urgent things popping up all the time. Urgent is often mistaken for important. 

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How to get organized quickly as a working mom

It’s 2020. And there more pressures than ever to be amazing at life. But there is also so much more we’re expected to do, especially as a working mom.

We need to hit the gym, eat healthily, have an amazing job AND a side hustle, a beautiful family, take lavish vacations and be expert photographers so we can share it all on Instagram (follow me by the way😉). But keeping up takes a lot of time and energy.

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The 30-60-90 Plan: The action plan version of goals

It’s getting close to the end of the year. Isn’t that crazy to say? And with the end of the year usually comes this impulsive desire to make next year better. The best way that I’ve found to do this is to create a solid 30-60-90 plan, an action plan for hitting goals 💪.

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The 4 simple (but not so) easy steps of productivity

With the school year fast approaching, I wanted to make sure that you had tons of resources to get you organized to rock this school year. With that in mind, I asked my friend Lawrentina if she would walk us through some easy steps of productivity.

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Why you should Create a Vision Board

A vision board might sound hokey but, as Harv. T Ecker says “I’d rather be hokey and rich than cool and broke”. But don’t worry this post isn’t going to be about getting rich, it’s about planning your future so you can see it. And a vision board is the perfect way to do just that.

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