September Plan With Me

Fall is just around the corner

It’s the end of the Summer and we’re all getting ready for school, pumpkin spice and sweater weather. It’s not quite here but my September plan with me is!

For this month I once again took requests from my lovely girls, and unicorns came out on top. I added in some more dreamy (and grown-up) vibes by adding dream catchers to my theme as well.

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May Flip Through

May Flip Through

May, what a great month. From the showers come the flowers. But instead of going that traditional route for my May flip through I decided to do a ballet theme. Equally bright but a little more unorthodox, I chose to minimize the drawings and actually opted for colourful watercolour silhouettes of dancers. My floral fabric washi tape makes another appearance adding the flowers to the month of May.

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Monthly Chores Spread

If you’re anything like me, you hate chores and housework.

Some people get satisfaction when they look at the house they just spent the day cleaning and feel great. I’ve also met people who go into what I deem “Whirlwind” mode where they go into an intense, though short-lived, cleaning frenzy.

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August Plan with Me!

I’m so excited to be posting my August plan with me! I wanted to make sure it went up with plenty of time for you to use it for inspiration as you go to plan your month. I’ve been looking forward to being able to share my monthly set up and go over what I find to be most helpful. Since it’s the middle of summer I went with mermaids for the theme. Nothing says summer like water and sand after all.

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April Flip Through

April, the month I got it together as far as a theme goes. Take a look at my April flip through to really see the progression month over month when it comes to my bullet journal. Taking the time to find out what works really makes the difference and here was my prettiest month yet!

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