Task Batching

Have you ever started to do something then before you know it, hours have passed? Like when you finally start cleaning the kitchen then you end up doing all the shared spaces in the house.

It could be when you’re working on a project and you hit your stride, you’re full of ideas and you look up and realize you’ve made a ton of progress. That groove can increase your productivity when used to your advantage. It’s a technique called task batching.

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Learning to be Productive

Being a productive person doesn’t just happen. Much like the phenomenon of “adulting” I had just assumed that as I grew up I would magically become productive. But, alas, just like changing a flat tire or making mac ‘n’ cheese, learning to be productive is a skill.

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Wundertastsch Journal

Bullet journals take some commitment. This is especially true at first when you’re trying to develop the habit. And if you’re new to planning or time management, it can be downright scary. But I have an alternative to draw your attention to today, The Wundertastsch Journal.

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7 Bullet Journal Monthly Tracker Ideas You’ll Use

Tracking is one of the best features of bullet journals.

Habit and mood trackers, vacation trackers, reading trackers, sleep trackers. You name it, there’s a tracker for that.

There are endless possibilities of things to log in your journal and hundreds of ways to organize, decorate and define your habits.

The key is to find things that will be useful for you to track and that won’t just take up precious space in your journal.

To that end, here are 7 awesome monthly tracker ideas.

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4 Easy ways to save an hour a day

Often times, having an extra hour would make the biggest difference in our daily schedules. From work, parenting, hobbies, chores, and adulting in general, there seems to be a distinct lack of time during the day. In order to help put a little more back in there, here are 4 easy things to save an hour a day.

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Developing a Routine to Increase Confidence and Work Ethic in Your Kids

Today’s parenting is complicated. Everyone has a way to do everything and there are always crazy expectations about what good parenting looks like (comment if you thought “Bad Moms” was as hilarious as I did).

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