The PROM Planning Method

It’s no secret, having an effective method of planning makes everything easier. I recently listened to a podcast and came across this method and it’s awesome. So, of course, I wanted to share it with you. The PROM planning method is an easy way to increase your productivity dramatically.

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Moving towards your goals

Moving towards your goals is essential if you want to get them accomplished. It’s not enough to just set a goal and hope for the best. Most of us have done that before and with slight exception have probably ended up being disappointed.

In this post I’m going to be reviewing my annual goals, taking a look at my 30.60.90 for the first quarter of the year and developing a new one for the next 3 months.

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How to Bullet Journal in 5 minutes a Day

There are a lot of common misconceptions about bullet journaling and the most common one I hear is that it takes up a lot of time. It’s easy to see where this idea comes from, just type bullet journal into any social media platform and you’ll be overwhelmed with the crazy intense versions of the bujo. But I’m here to give you a ray of hope! It IS POSSIBLE to learn how to bullet journal in 5 minutes a day.

So if you have no time, but want to try this amazing organization method out, this is the post for you!

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Evening Routine

A lot of people talk about morning routines, or the lack there of. And there’s good reason to. Having a simple, structured routine makes life a heck of a lot easier. But those benefits don’t have to just be in the morning. Having a great evening routine can be even better for your success, in and out of the home.

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Designing my own fitness tracker

I recently did a post on fitness trackers and that got me thinking, what if I started designing my own fitness tracker??

I always preach about how you need to make sure that you’re creating your bullet journal for you. So should make sure that you create spreads that are customized you your needs.

Time to walk the walk…

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Developing a Morning Routine

Your alarm is going off again. You’re trying to find your clothes, you’re trying to grab breakfast, someone is always asking for something… Does this sound like your morning routine?

Many people struggle in the morning, especially if it’s Monday. Don’t worry you are definitely not alone!

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