Is Bullet Journaling Worth it?

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If you’ve been thinking of trying out bullet journaling, you’ve probably searched it online and seen TONS of pictures and articles. Much of it includes intricate drawings, lots of washi tape, stickers, stamps, and an entire case of specialized pens and markers.

After looking through all of this you’re probably thinking this is going to be a) expensive b) time consuming c) hard d) not worth it.

Friends, I’m here to say you’d be sorely mistaken! Bullet Journaling is 100% worth it and you don’t actually have to buy or draw anything (if you don’t want to) and the kicker: it’s not that hard!

Customize it to fit you

The best part about bullet journaling is that you get to make it exactly the way you need it to be.

You’re a student? Maybe you’re most productive at night and every agenda you’ve seen stops it’s schedule at 5pm leaving you with no where to write what you’re doing.

Got a couple of kiddos? You might not want a time schedule since kids never let you stay on time anyway. But what you DO want is one place to put everything. Your grocery list, to-dos, appointments and a space for a daily reflection.

You can do both of these with a bullet journal or any combination of other things and if you can’t find a way to do something, make it up! You can change it next time if it doesn’t work for you and that’s amazing. Which brings us to the next thing…

Change it whenever you want without buying a new book

If you thought it would be helpful to have a schedule so wrote one out and you realized that you never referred to it, you don’t have to do that again!

Maybe you thought it would be a good idea to have a “brain dump” spot then never used it, nix it.

Did you find yourself wishing that you had somewhere to put your reminders? Add that in and add some colour or something to draw your eye so you naturally see it.

The ability for your journal to evolve as you find out what’s useful for you is arguably the best part. That is, if you’re really looking for a way to get your act together (lol)

To check out my bullet journals evolution click here 

Make it a creative outlet

Do you love to doodle or write or just love pretty things? A bullet journal is something to seriously consider.

There are all sorts of ways to incorporate your doodles and art into a bullet journal. Try adding daily doodle page to your monthly spreads and trying out some themes.

If you like to write you can have a 2 lines a day section, a space to write poetry or a monthly memory log.

And of course there are endless options to make your journal as pretty as you like. There are all sorts of accessories, think fineliners, stickers, washi tape pressed flowers, whatever you want.

Keep it Simple

Remember, what you see online are people bullet journaling specifically to show you. While you can end up spending a ton of time, money and effort on it, you don’t have to. Any notebook and pen will do. You can literally write “Monday” then add your to-dos, a goal and a notes section and that’s it. Nothing else is required.

The purpose of bullet journaling is to give you an easy way to keep everything you need together. So don’t over complicate it because that means you won’t do it.

My Take

I love my bullet journal because I have a lot to do and I want to make sure that I have somewhere to put it so I can be as efficient and effective as possible. I also love that I get a little spot to draw or motivate myself through a quote of the week.

l Iook forward to drawing my next spreads or thinking up themes. I was always shy about my “creative” side but now I have more confidence as I build my skills. Sharing my spreads with my family and getting excited about it has been something I now genuinely look forward to.

I couldn’t find an agenda that did exactly what I wanted it to. Creating a custom one with a bullet journal ended up making so much sense for me.

If you want to get started check out my post about Starting a Bullet Journal you can check out my post here

Want to see if the monthly set up of a bullet journal could be helpful for you? Get my printable below! You can test out habit tracking, planning, and goal setting without having to set up anything, just add it to your current planner.


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