8 amazing reasons to declutter for astonishing results

It’s no surprise that today’s world is over run with stuff and if you’re anything like me, you just keep getting more. But have you ever wondered, “does decluttering your house help with anything?”

The answer is a resounding YES!

So let’s get into it.

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How to get organized quickly as a working mom

It’s 2020. And there more pressures than ever to be amazing at life. But there is also so much more we’re expected to do, especially as a working mom.

We need to hit the gym, eat healthily, have an amazing job AND a side hustle, a beautiful family, take lavish vacations and be expert photographers so we can share it all on Instagram (follow me by the way😉). But keeping up takes a lot of time and energy.

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Does a clean space lead to more productivity?

Is the old adage true? Is a clean desk the sign of a cluttered drawer or it is a reflection of your clear state of mind? Let’s find out if a clean space leads to more productivity.

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Rapid Logging: What it is and how to do it

If you’ve ever watched Ryder Caroll’s intro to Bullet Journal video, you’ll notice 2 things. The first is that his is NOTHING like the bullet journals that you see on Instagram and Pinterest and he does something called rapid logging that no one seems to talk about.

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How to Practice Self-Care on a Budget and Get Your Productivity Back on Track

I’m so excited to be sharing this guest post with you today! When Nici reached out to me to ask if she could contribute to the community here I thought it would be a great fit.

We talked about how important self-care is to our productivity and overall health and I’m so glad that she wanted to share these amazing little tips on how to take care of ourselves while keeping them simple and cost-effective.


Nici even included some printables for us! Make sure to check them out at the bottom of the post 🤩

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Planning the School Year: For Moms

September is literally days away… As a mom I’ve been thinking a lot about what I need to do before my kiddos are back in class. But then I think, getting them into school is one thing, keeping us all organized into the school year is quite another! So here are some ideas to keep you organized through the school year as a mom.

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