October Flip Through

When I started my bullet journal I knew that I was going to love it. And I’m happy to say that every month my love has grown more and more. October’s spread was the perfect pairing of fun to draw and minimalist. And you’ll get to see it in this October flip through.

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Travel Spread

Bullet journaling is a system that helps keep everything you need in one place. This is a huge perk for those of us that like to travel! If you’ve ever had a trip planned and had to find a way to organize your flight info, packing lists, activity plans and everything else, you know the struggle. The struggle doesn’t only involve actually getting all this stuff together. It also involves making sure you don’t lose any of it before your trip. A bullet journal travel spread is the answer! Continue reading “Travel Spread”

Minimalist Vs Maximalist

Ok, if you’ve been scrolling on any platform for bullet journal inspiration you’ll probably have seen that there are a kajillion ways to set up and decorate a bullet journal. When you’re first learning about the system you’ll see a bunch of terms and wonder, what does that even mean? Two of these terms represent the major schools in design for bullet journaling. Minimalist vs. Maximalist. 

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September Flip Through

Was it just me or did September pass by in the blink of an eye? It feels like Labour Day weekend (I’m Canadian) was just days ago with the hustle and bustle of back to school. But here we are in October, so it’s time to take a look at my September flip through.

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October Plan with Me

Before I kick off my October plan with me, I must tell you something. My family and I are Halloween obsessed. Like, not normal people obsessed but obsessed to the point where we have a 5yr costume plan and start making them in May. I have been a Nightmare Before Christmas fan since I was a teenager and it’s one of the movies that my kids and I have the most fun watching this time of year so it was only natural that it would become a bullet journal theme for us. With October here that’s exactly what we chose.

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August Flip Through

In August I got ambitious. Elated off the success of my Zelda spread I gave into my girls’ suggestion to do mermaids. August is, after all the perfect time to do a theme like that. Unfortunately, my talent wasn’t always enough to get me through the drawings. In this August flip through you’ll see some spreads work really well and some others that could have come together a bit better, but hey it’s all a processes and with practice, we get better. Here is my August flip through for you to take a look at.

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