What Are the Favourite Ways to Use a Bullet Journal?

Oh boy, do I have something special to share with you today!

I’ve loved my bullet journal since long before I even started it. Knowing that it was going to be the thing to skyrocket my productivity and give me a creative outlet was what ultimately helped me overcome the initial fear of marring all the blank dotted pages.

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How to Fix a Mistake in Your Bullet Journal

Ok, I might be a little crazy but I was nervous even taking my first bullet journal out of the shrink wrap.  I didn’t want to ruin it through the mere removal of its protective covering! By the time I actually opened it to start I was terrified of making a mistake and messing up a page. And the thing that I had the most trouble wrapping my head around was what I would do if I made a mistake. How can you fix a mistake in your bullet journal!?

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How to Choose a Monthly Theme

When I started my bullet journal I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my drawing ability. I also didn’t know how much time I actually wanted to spend drawing or decorating my spreads. I wasn’t sure how a monthly theme would fit into my journaling plans.

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How to Pick a Planner

Learning how to pick a planner is hard. There are so many different ways to plan, schedule, track, and journal that it’s difficult to know where to start. I love planning, some would joke that it’s my life force, so I have tried out a lot of ways to do it. 

Not to fret! I am here to help you navigate the murky waters of picking a planner. In my humble opinion, the best types of planners are on this list. Depending on how much of a habit you have around planning and your specific needs, we can match you up with just the planner for you.

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