How to get organized quickly as a working mom

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It’s 2020. And there more pressures than ever to be amazing at life. But there is also so much more we’re expected to do, especially as a working mom.

We need to hit the gym, eat healthily, have an amazing job AND a side hustle, a beautiful family, take lavish vacations and be expert photographers so we can share it all on Instagram (follow me by the way😉). But keeping up takes a lot of time and energy.

Let’s minimize that by getting organized quickly even when you’re a working mom.

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Are you a working mom that needs to save time? Then these are the printables for you. A schedule, a planner, everything you need to succeed. Just click.

As a mom myself, I know that time is precious.

There just never seems to be enough to go around.

And it gets even harder when we’re not only a mom but also a career woman.

This is crazy,

According to Stats Canada, the number of working moms has gone from 36% in 1976 to 69% in 2015. Similarly, in the U.S. the number of working moms were up by 47% from 1975.

That means there are a lot of us out there that are trying to do it all.

Women are working more and there is still immense pressure to be an involved, amazing mom. And most of us want to be that anyway.

But how ?

How can we work a full-time job, keep our family happy and fed all awhile maintain some semblance of sanity?

A mom and her baby.

I have an idea

As a working mom myself, I know that time is in short supply and if I feel it, you probably feel it too.

So I wanted to come up with something that could win us all back time week after week with as little time investment as possible. And here it is.

A printable planner.

This printable planner has helped me get organized for an entire week in less than 15 minutes.

All that needs to be done is to print off the pages you needed and fill them out. It’s like a mad-lib.

Here is a break down of what’s in this bundle and how to do it yourself.

The bullet journal inspired printable planner.

Immediate help for the working mom

Right off the bat the pages that are going to be incredibly helpful are the weekly priorities pages or the weekly schedule. Choose the one that best suits your style.

If you like seeing your day broken down into a timeline choose that set up or if you like to write to-dos instead then choose the box spread.

Everyone needs a weekly schedule, especially working moms!

Either way, print it off and fill in everything you need to do this week. After it’s all there you’ll know exactly what needs to be done this week. Just this step will save you hours this week– I can speak from experience.

When things are out of your head and down on paper you’re IMMEDIATELY more prepared and less likely to forget things.

Take it to the next level

Besides having a simple outline of your week, you probably have other things that need to happen!

I know I do.

In order to save even MORE time try out these printables as well, all come included.

Meal Planner

This page has room to write in all your meals as well as jot down when you’re going to do any meal prep.

I like to have one place to write in all my meals. That way I can figure out meals that work together or use similar ingredients. By doing this, potential waste is significantly reduced. It’s also easier to see exactly what I need. (more about that here)

There is also a spot for groceries so you can just take the page to the grocery store and you have all the information right there with you.

Doing this has saved me 40% on my grocery bill and tons of time shopping.

A weekly meal planner is great for working moms.

Fitness Tracker

As a mom and working woman it can be hard to find a way to try and take care of yourself physically. But it’s just as important as taking care of all the people around you!

Besides meal planning, figuring out a way to stay active is going to have the biggest effect on the way you feel.

This printables bundle includes fitness pages where you can write out your fitness goals, your workouts and when you’re going to do them.

On the box weekly set up, there is a section where you can track your fitness as well so those pages work together perfectly.

Whether you sign up for Zumba, love to run or lift, you can write down how you want to take care of your physical self by staying active.

Heck, you can even write in-home workouts or activities to do with the kids like hiking, biking or skating.

Hit your fitness goals with these printables.

Stay on top of chores

One thing that always eats into my day is the sheer amount of mess that a family can make.

But I find that having a plan for completing housework saves me tons of time throughout the week. Since creating my first chore tracker where I assigned certain tasks to specific days, my house has been cleaner more consistently without the headache.

You can do the same using the chores printable.

Write out the chores that need to be done then group them together (even assign them to different family members is you want) on each day.

Then all that’s left to do is check off the chores as you do them every day.

Setting it up like this has given me a ton of peace of mind since I don’t feel obligated everyday to overhaul the house. I know exactly when everything is going to get done and I can breathe easy.

Monitor your Spending

Nothing holds us accountable to our financial choices more than revisiting them at the end of the day.

Get your money in order by tracking your purchases throughout the month with this handy tracker. Just write in what the expense was, what it cost, what spending category it falls into (household, fun, kids etc.) and if you needed it or wanted it.

By reflecting on your purchases you can cut down on unnecessary expenses and start saving more effectively towards things that will really make a difference for you.

Monthly expense tracker for working moms.

Even more help for us working moms

This is only a sample of the different printable pages that are included in this bundle. There are planning pages, goals worksheets and more as well. If you’re ready to take on your next challenge and earn back your time there is something here for you!

How this can change your life

I hear from moms just like you all the time.

You want to be organized, you want to have more time, you want to be able to take care of your family while excelling at work.

The way that we can do this is through a planning system that WORKS.

Here’s the thing,

Systems are amazing since once you have them in place the results are consistent and predictable.

That means that once you get this printable planner and start using it consistently you will ALWAYS HAVE MORE TIME.

You will be less stressed, have more time, eat better, be more active and spend more intentionally.

Let me say that again for the people in the back:

If you want to feel less busy and more productive while having more time with your family this is for you.

Want to make more time to take care of yourself by being active and eating better? This is for you!

Do you want to be more intentional with your time so that you can spend it on the things that you want to instead of the things you have to? Then this is for you.

All that’s left to do is print it off

Click here ⬇

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