Gratitude Log

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As far as bullet journal trackers go there are way more out there than I would know what to do with. The good news is that a gratitude log is a no brainer when it comes to things to include in your bujo.

Of all the bullet journal trackers and spreads you could have, a gratitude log is one of the best! Here's why.

Gratitude is one of the emotions that make you feel not only good, but buoyant. You’re not just happy but you feel weightless and warm.

To me, it’s one of the best feeling in the world.

So why wouldn’t we want to feel it as often as possible?

The trouble is that expressing gratitude isn’t something that demands your time.

I often talk about how the important things that don’t seem urgent can fall be the wayside in our day to day lives. Feeling grateful for our blessings is one of the frequent casualties for many in this arena.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

By taking just 60 seconds a day, you can sleep more soundly, love more fully and enjoy each day more thoroughly.

Gratitude Log

A gratitude tracker or log is a simple way to keep the things that matter to you in the forefront of your mind.

And in true bullet journal fashion, there are many ways to do them.

If you’ve read or listened to The Secret, Rhonda Bryne takes about the power of gratitude as a daily practice. And many people start by writing out a list of 10 things they are grateful for in their lives.

Making this a beautiful collection in your bullet journal to read through daily is wonderful way to start your day feeling happy and full.

Gratitude Collection.

Another way to set up a gratitude log is by adding i as a monthly spread.

The first gratitude log that I had was a part of my monthly calendar.

Gratitude log added into a Ryder Calendar in a bullet journal.

Beside each day I would write in something that I was grateful for that day. I could do it first thing in the morning or I could so it at the end of the day in order to reflect and go to sleep with that feeling.

I’ve added it to other trackers as well like my chores tracker here.

Small gratitude log among other tackers.

I later dedicated a whole page each month to my gratitude log.

A tool for reflection

These logs aren’t just great when you’re filling them out but they are a great tool for you to look back on. When you go through your gratitude logs you can see how many amazing people and things populate your life.

It’s hard not to feel extremely lucky and satisfied when you look at your life in terms of the incredible things you have.

Unicorn bullet journal gratitude tracker.

In our culture we often spend so much time thinking about what we “need”, what we want and what we might never get that it can be hard to feel good.

A gratitude log can do wonders in changing that mindset. This dramatically impacts your mental health in a positive way and puts you in such a great place to get more good into your life.

Often like attracts like and when we’re trained to see lack, that’s all that’s there.

On the other hand, if you train yourself to see that good, the opportunity and the love you have , you see more and more of it.

Gratitude Log

If you’ve never done a gratitude log, I strongly encourage you to try one out. Just go ahead and write Gratitude Log at the top of a page and write ten things you are thankful for.

Put this on your nightstand, beside your coffee maker or anywhere else you frequent to remind yourself to read it and when you read it, FEEL the gratitude as you think about each item.

If you add it as a collection in your bullet journal make sure to flip to it often or insert it into a set routine so you don’t forget.

Of course, you can also have a running list of daily things that happen that you appreciate. When you take the time to write these out you’ll be surprised when there are many more things than you might have thought.

Try this out for a month.

Pair it with a mood tracker or self care tracker if you use them.

See how tracking the good things in your life change your feelings. You’ll be surprised at how good you feel at the end of the exercise.

Of all the bullet journal trackers and spreads you could have, a gratitude log is one of the best! Here's why.

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