Pirate Themed Bullet Journal Spreads

Having some inspiration for your bullet journal spreads is a great way to keep them fun and exciting. I love to think up new themes to explore and different ways to work on my creativity. For the month of March I did pirate themed bullet journal spreads. Take a look for some neat ideas!

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April Plan with Me: A Game of Thrones

April 14th is coming… I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan. I’ve read the books through a couple of times and watched the whole show more times than I care to share. Obsessive, yes. Is that ok with me, you bet.

Like many die hard fans, I’ve been super excited for the upcoming final season of the show. So what better theme for the month of April than Game of Thrones.

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Cleaning Spreads for your Bullet Journal

Yes, it’s cleaning week here at Planning with Maggie Rae so why not follow a How to Spring Clean post with bullet journal cleaning spreads to help you along?

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Designing my own fitness tracker

I recently did a post on fitness trackers and that got me thinking, what if I started designing my own fitness tracker??

I always preach about how you need to make sure that you’re creating your bullet journal for you. So should make sure that you create spreads that are customized you your needs.

Time to walk the walk…

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March Plan with Me 2019

I usually have my themes planned well in advance, but for this March plan with me I was making last minutes changes a lot. The theme I settled on is a bit different. A bit darker… a bit controversial dare I say?

But I wanted to try out something completely outside the norm for me. For that, I went in a totally new direction.

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Bullet Journal Fitness Trackers

One of my favourite bullet journal elements are the trackers. There are so many different kinds and you can always make one to suit our own needs. Fitness trackers are an excellent way to make sure that you focus on your health and make sure you’re living your best life.

Here are 9 fitness trackers to spark your excitement about your health and exercise routines!

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