The Bullet Journal Key: How to create the best one for you

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You have your bullet journal, your pens, and washi tape and all the other goodies you’re just dying to use. You take a deep breath and open your journal to the first page to start your very first spread…. What is it? Well if you’re like most bullet journalers you’re going to start off with the bullet journal key.

The bullet journal key is an essential part of your setup. Create your own custom key with these tips and tricks to give you ideas and inspiration. #planningwithmaggierae #bujobasics

The simple bullet journal key

The bullet journal key is a simple idea that can keep you organized from the very start of your journal to many journals from now if you do it well.

The classic bullet journal method really only has three icons. A dot or “bullet” for tasks, a circle for events and a dash for notes. Pretty much everything that you’d write down will fall into one of these categories.

You then add a status to the icon by X-ing it if it’s complete, putting a diagonal line through it if you’ve started or crossing it out if it’s cancelled or you’re not going to do it any more.

Lastly you can add an arrow pointing left if you’ve scheduled the item for another time in the future, known as scheduling. Or you can add an arrow left if you’ve just moved it a day or two, called migrating.

Those are the basics. Now, that’s pretty simple.It’s easy to remember so if that’s all you need, you’re a lucky one.

The custom bullet journal key

Sometimes you want a little bit more. As an example maybe you have certain reoccurring items that have it’s own category. The best thing about a bullet journal is how customizable it really is. And here are some ways to do just that.

Basic bujo keys are simple and easy to use.

adding signifiers

One of the easiest ways to customize your key a little bit is by adding signifiers. Signifiers add a little more depth to the item and can draw your attention if needed.

These are things like an ! for important or a ? when you need to double check something or a * to remind you of a priority. These easy additions can help you choose the sequence of tasks (as an example) to complete.

new additions

Sometimes not all your needs are covered by the basic system that Ryder created. If this is the case with you, add in whatever you like! Some common ideas include icons for holidays, birthdays, or appointments.

Let your imagination run wild. Anything that happens often enough and is important enough to you, you can add to your key.

colour coded

Another thing that some like to do is colour code.

Personally I like to colour code on a high level. I have colours for events, trips, holidays and birthdays in my year at a glance, future log, monthly calendar and ryder calendar too. I find it’s nice and easy to tell, on a broad scale, what’s going on when if I colour code my calendar grids.

There are a ton of neat colour coding systems. So play around and find something that works for you. Remember to keep it simple and not to use too many colours though since you’d have to carry them all around with you and who really wants to do that?

My Version of the Bullet Journal Key

Make sure to have a custom key in your bullet journal!

My bullet journal key is a bit different than many. What I try to do is what comes naturally to me. I also try to make the key as simple as possible by using my typical associations.

I often see squares used as tasks but I find it too hard to draw a square when I’m rapid logging so I’ve stuck with the dot. Instead of a circle for events I do a clock pointing to 3 o’clock for appointment and I do a triangle for events that I’m attending.

I added a little present to signify birthdays and I also don’t X-out things that are completed. I find that confusing since I think “no” when I see an X. Instead, I check it off with a check mark. That gives me more of a smile when I do it and I appreciate that.

Keep in mind that you can always add things to your key as you need them and if you find you don’t use something you can always omit it next time. As I said flexibility is 100% with bullet journaling.

The bullet journal key is an essential part of your setup. Create your own custom key with these tips and tricks to give you ideas and inspiration. #planningwithmaggierae #bujobasics

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