2020 March bullet journal setup

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It’s always fun to do a new monthly set up. Especially when you have an idea that you’re excited about trying out. I like to keep things as simple and cute as possible so for my 2020 March bullet journal setup I chose a spring bunny theme.

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A word on bullet journal themes

Coming up with theme ideas can be a challenge sometimes, especially when you’re just starting out so I wanted to quickly just remind you that you don’t NEED a theme. Having a 2020 march bullet journal theme is nice but the goal is to make sure that your bujo helps you stay productive.

But with that said, I have a ton of inspiration for you in this category on the blog and you can always follow me on Pinterest where I have over a dozen bullet journal idea boards with different ideas for you to try.

You can also check out this post that has over 80 bullet journal theme ideas as well as ways to come up with them.

Coming up with my 2020 March bullet journal setup

My theme sprouted from a few things.

First I wanted it to be a in the “Spring” wheelhouse but I didn’t want to do the usual flower or plant theme that we see so often.

I also like to keep my themes more minimal (except for some notable occasions).

So as I was thinking about this I thought what do I see in the spring that signals that the warmth is going to come back to the land?

Robins…. birds…. patches of grass in the snow…. bunnies.


It was that simple. Bunnies in the grass.

Watch my full March Setup Video Here!

2020 March bullet journal setup

With my theme picked I wanted to keep it simple. And while drawing animals is easier than drawing people I did want to keep things easy.

To that end I decided to make all my drawings lie drawings. So each bunny is comprised of a single line.

March Monthly Setup

Back in February I made some changes to my monthly setup and there were a few things I really liked about it.

I liked having my Ryder Calendar broken down into the weeks across the bottom of the page so I decided to keep with that format.

I’m using light green, like new spring grass🌿, as an accent colour this month so I filled in the date and day of the week in my calendar with my Tombow brush pen.

I moved my mini traditional calendar over to the left page to make it a bit easier to read and added a section to the left of that for my plans.

March is a busy month for my family as we have 7 birthdays and March break among other things.

Notice that in my mini calendar I colour-code the boxes with my legend from my key so that I know when I’m busy and what I’m busy with at a glance.

I can then look at my plans section for more details if I need them.

I also have my main goals and tasks section.

Gratitude Log and Planning Page

Every month I need to have a gratitude log.

This lets my focus on all the good I have in my life and makes all of my days brighter. You can check out my post on why you should have one too here.

I’m using a blocky font this month for all my headers. If you like it it’s on my Pinterest font board. Stepping away from the curvy fonts this month made the bunny line drawings stand out just a little bit more.

My daughters loved this cute bunny with his carrot!

The fabric floral washi tape makes another appearance.

I just don’t get tired of it.

I bought it over 3 years ago and I still have lots left. Although I don’t use it all the time but it’s definitely stood the time of time for me. If you’re looking to get some washi tape I’d suggest getting some that really goes with your style and is versatile so you can use it with many themes.

First Weekly Spread for my march bullet journal setup

There are a few things I want to mention about my new weekly set up.

Last month I tried you a rolling weekly task management system (read about it here). It took a few weeks to get a feel for it but then after getting into the groove, I thought it was pretty helpful.

I wanted to be able to see more details about how long it was taking me to complete tasks and if there were tasks that I was commonly procrastinating on. And by tracking my progress on to-dos like this is gave me some details.

In order to keep up with me getting to know my work habits better I decided to keep this up.

So this time I put a larger tasks section on my right hand page.

I kept my weather forecast and workout boxes at the top of this spread as well so that I have my planning pretty much just on that page.

And that left me with my daily boxes.

I chose to make them a little smaller since I wasn’t going to be putting tasks in there. Actually I wanted to discourage myself from putting tasks in there since I did a few time in February.

I only want events and reminders in my boxes as well as any notes to self.

At the bottom of this weekly I dropped in an adorable bunny with some washi tape and a quick quote.

You might know I’m a huge Song of Ice and Fire fan (check out my game of thrones theme) so I added in “A Dream of Spring”.

That’s how I feel in March. I’m dreaming of spring and it’ll be here soon.

More Inspiration for your 2020 March bullet journal setup

As I said in my last plan with me I want to start giving you some more inspiration from around the web and Instagram. So you can come up with your themes with ease.

So here are some great ideas for other bullet journalers.

March Monthly Covers

March Weeklies

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