Why you need Grammarly in your life

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Looking to improve your writing? Grammarly is the perfect tool to use if your a student, a writer or someone that uses email (yes, that means everyone). So for help with spelling, punctuation or grammar check this out!

Two of the very first skills that we start to learn in life are reading and writing. These build the foundation for communicating with others in every capacity. It also allows us to open up our abilities for learning other subjects. To put it bluntly, it’s a must-have for pretty much everyone in today’s society.

I always loved to read. Throwing myself into fantasy worlds, pursuing adventures with my favourite characters… This is definitely my idea of a well-spent afternoon. I was always told by teachers that the more I read the better of a writer I would be, but I didn’t really see those results.

I read about two grade levels above mine in elementary school, conquering children’s novels by the end of 1st grade. Even though I’m an excellent reader, writing was always a lot harder. I was a below average speller, found punctuation difficult and I was often asked to re-write assignments since my penmanship was atrocious (Thank the Lord for computers right?).

My mediocre (at best) writing ability always hindered me in grade and high school and caused me to put more effort into math and science since report writing was way easier. But then moving into a business program in college I needed to start using those writing skills again, and boy were they rusty.

Using spellcheck in word documents helped but I was embarrassed about my poor skills. My embarrassment lead to mistakes in my writing since I had a hard time letting others proofread my work. Even this past summer when I started this blog I sent it to my dad and this is what he sent me back:

“Cool idea and a great start.

Your writing style is fun, light and conversational but you have quite a few typos and grammar issues.

I’d suggest you make use of a proofreader or at the very least wait a few hours before posting and re-look at your post with fresh eyes in order to digest the text as if you were a regular reader. As I think back… proofreading was never your strong suit 😊

Gotta love my dad, he’s a straight shooter. And he was right. My proofreading still sucked and I was never the most patient. Instead of waiting just went ahead and posted causing me to cringed later. I still have some posts that I haven’t re-wrote because I can’t stand how cringe-worthy they are.

But this email made it abundantly clear that I needed some help if I was to be a full-time content creator that relied on their writing. I did a bunch of research and I came across Grammarly.

Grammarly is the best tool that I’ve ever used. It’s an award-winning service that’s being used by everyone from universities to corporations. It helps students get better grades, professionals build their reputation and helps people learning English pick it up faster. I wish I had found it sooner!

The best part is that it’s absolutely free to sign up. All you do is click, make an account with your name and email address and you’re on your way to error-free writing.

Grammarly is the only tool I need to make sure that my blog posts are awesome and well written.  It will also be the only tool you need to improve your writing immediately. 

Sign up for a free account today by clicking the banner. I guarantee it’s a choice you’ll be happy with.

The #1 Writing Tool


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