How to Bullet Journal in 5 minutes a Day

There are a lot of common misconceptions about bullet journaling and the most common one I hear is that it takes up a lot of time. It’s easy to see where this idea comes from, just type bullet journal into any social media platform and you’ll be overwhelmed with the crazy intense versions of the bujo. But I’m here to give you a ray of hope! It IS POSSIBLE to learn how to bullet journal in 5 minutes a day.

So if you have no time, but want to try this amazing organization method out, this is the post for you!

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Evening Routine

A lot of people talk about morning routines, or the lack there of. And there’s good reason to. Having a simple, structured routine makes life a heck of a lot easier. But those benefits don’t have to just be in the morning. Having a great evening routine can be even better for your success, in and out of the home.

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Developing a Morning Routine

Your alarm is going off again. You’re trying to find your clothes, you’re trying to grab breakfast, someone is always asking for something… Does this sound like your morning routine?

Many people struggle in the morning, especially if it’s Monday. Don’t worry you are definitely not alone!

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Task Batching

Have you ever started to do something then before you know it, hours have passed? Like when you finally start cleaning the kitchen then you end up doing all the shared spaces in the house.

It could be when you’re working on a project and you hit your stride, you’re full of ideas and you look up and realize you’ve made a ton of progress. That groove can increase your productivity when used to your advantage. It’s a technique called task batching.

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Learning to be Productive

Being a productive person doesn’t just happen. Much like the phenomenon of “adulting” I had just assumed that as I grew up I would magically become productive. But, alas, just like changing a flat tire or making mac ‘n’ cheese, learning to be productive is a skill.

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4 Easy ways to save an hour a day

Often times, having an extra hour would make the biggest difference in our daily schedules. From work, parenting, hobbies, chores, and adulting in general, there seems to be a distinct lack of time during the day. In order to help put a little more back in there, here are 4 easy things to save an hour a day.

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